Thursday, February 16, 2012

"God In Us" from Betsy's CD Love Heals All


  1. I don't know about all things being balanced. If Twitchell were alive today he would probably rewrite to account for quantum theory and random processes. There seems to be so much in the universe that is not balanced - though of course there is the theory that the ultimate conclusion of the universe is stasis, which is not the same as balance. I conclude that God is much more complex than we are capable of knowing.

  2. I think it helps to understand that Paul Twitchell believed in reincarnation. When this is taken into consideration, balance can be thought of more as "in the process of balancing" in the worlds of matter.

  3. I might add, he also believed in karma - that all actions have consequences - and that the "balance" for any action would eventually manifest.

  4. Great music, images and words - all comes together so beautifully.
